A Letter From Valhalla

It’s been a while brother but I know it’s a weird day for you and I wanted to check in. Don’t get salty with them, they’re going to thank you for your service today and they’ll BBQ and party, most of them won’t think about us up here. They don’t know brother, I know you miss me.

I am writing this to you because you got it a little fucked up homie. Wondering why it was me and not you. Second guessing, thinking you fucked up, thinking you should have done this or that. Bruh, we all fuck up and we all did our best in the fog of adrenaline and the craziness. Stop it.

You only owe me one thing now. Seriously, you know goddamn well we weren’t over there on some dumb ass mom – apple pie – fighting for ‘murica shit. That aint what I crossed the rainbow bridge for and you fuckin know it.

I didn’t die for Democracy or anyone’s fucking freedom I died for you brother. You act like we died together sometimes and it’s fuckin gay man.

Yeah, it could have been you but it wasn’t. The fates decided it, and the Gods aint keen on questioning them so that’s a dead end road.

I am so glad you made it. Do you think I want to watch you fall into a bottle or a baggie? You made it home and those fuckers didn’t get you but you’re going to off yourself deliberately or indirectly being self destructive like it aint the same thing? Our reunion isn’t going to be the same like that, we can still fight up here and I am going to fuck you up real good if you show up like that.

I fucking love you dude. I was fighting for YOU and I won because you made it. I want to watch you raise beautiful children. I want to watch you chase your dreams and catch them. I want you to be happy and know I am just fine.

There isn’t any cops, no treacherous whores, no bills, no kid touchers, no politicians, none of that shit here. I’m feasting with thousands of years of really awesome guys. We can all hang when the time comes, it just aint now.

Don’t blame your degeneracy and self destruction on my death and think you’ll end up where I am. You think I died for the guy next to me, which was YOU, to see you waste it all? Throw the goddamn pills away.

Go watch the sunset today with a cold beer dude. Go to the BBQ and suffer the well meaning neighbor thanking you for your service, whatever, I saw you take worse licks than that.

I never even got to have kids go take yours to the lake so I can enjoy it too. Ride that motorcycle somewhere cool and raise a glass for us and grab our boy that got in trouble with us on leave and tell the story again and laugh your asses off. Make him read this too, he needs to hear it.

All you guys need to get together more regularly or you’ll always feel out of place around the normies btw. All the old warriors here are unanimous that you guys need to stay tight so listen to them and check in on the reg with each other.

Stop dwelling on the worst day of our brotherhood. Remember all the good times and realize I loved you too. All I want is for you to be happy. So make me proud.

Make it worth it brother. Or you’re getting bitch slapped when you show up here.

HAPPY Memorial Day fucker.

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