Proud Boys Patrol Ginnie Springs in Wake of Shootings

While typically known for protecting people attending political activities, North Florida Proud Boys spent four days patrolling a popular natural wonder in Gilchrist County June 6-9th. North Florida is home to the largest concentration of natural springs on earth. Crystal clear water comes up from the aquifer at 63 degrees year round. Ginnie Springs in … More Proud Boys Patrol Ginnie Springs in Wake of Shootings

3rd Reich Pride Month

One of the funniest ironies of WW-2 revisionist propaganda is the way the (((controlled media))) actually tries to paint the homosexuality and bisexuality of Hitler and much of the NSDAP leadership as a conspiracy theory because they don’t want gays being attached to all the things they say Hitler did. The Hitler worshipping dweebs try … More 3rd Reich Pride Month