An LOLbertarian President

Notes on the selection of the worst LP Presidential Candidate since the stupid cunt they put up last time.

First, props to the 40% of Libertarians who voted “No On Them All” for our Presidential candidate at the convention.

Last cycle as the nation was gripped with racial terrorism and murder by BLM and the streets were besieged by Marxist terrorists known as ANTIFA the LP candidate who is a retarded cunt who does not deserve her name spoken supported both. Because, Non-Aggression Principle means firebombs, looting, and murder for political aims.

Now that the FBI all but shut down the child trafficking unit to chase the victims of their January 6, 2021 entrapment operation, the nation is besieged by pedophile groomers using the LGBTQ flag as camouflage. As the people of America are being called homophobes for opposing drag queen stripper shows for 8 year olds and the nation is rising up in a wave of anti-infanticide legislation, the delegatws picked a loud LGBTQ baby murder advocate for a candidate.

It’s predictable if you know how the LP has been subverted.

To understand what os happening I will share from my personal experience in when Florida rose up and cut the cancer out. Adrian Wyllie and his goons were also pushing degeneracy, but then when an interesting Senate candidate with some energy arose, they attacked him for not being a Christian and none of it made sense until we ousted them all.

Most of Wyllie’s cabinet was back working for the GOP in a few weeks. I then saw clearly what was happening.

The Republican “Never Trump/RINO” establishment has been seeding the LP with this gay/ancom garbage to prevent the party from getting anywhere. Ironically the people who call themselves “left libertarians”, and currently control 60% of the delegate votes at the National Comvention, are controlled opposition unwittingly working for the Rick Scott’s and Mike Pence’s of the world.

The 40% NOTA vote and the postcards full of reeeeee about overthrowing the current chair for offensive memes and anti-red currents tell me that the Mises Caucus continues to make gains. This globohomo baby killer would have probably got 80% or more of the delegate vote in 2016.

Do not give up on the LP. Each state and each county within a state operates autonomously. So you find some decent state parties and legit based county affiliates scattered around the nation.

Continue individually supportimg local LP candidates who aren’t antifa perverts. Lets hope by next cycle the gains are enough to offer a Ron Paul type pro-life, pro-family, anti-illegal immigration, and nationalist (AKA real libertarian) candidate.

Post convention 2024 there is only one candidate a Libertarian without a GOP paycheck or a cloak of libertarianism hiding neo-Marxism could possibly vote for. That would be the only President in our lifetimes who ever cut government size and scope and ended wars, Donald J. Trump.

Every Libertarian knows who the real LP candidate is.

Godspeed to those still working to cut the Cultural Marxist cancer from the LP, I wish you great success.

Until then, Trump 2024.

He gave a great speech reaching out to Libertarians at their convention. He endorsed a number of LP candidates and promised to include Libertarians in his cabinet and the commies calling themselves Libertarians heckled him.

He kept it classy though. He also will put more people in government than any of his detractors.


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