The Real Libertarian Platorm

Following is what the LP Platform would be without the Cultural Marxist cooption of the party.

The Platform of a real LP:

* The Bill of Rights

* End of dual citizenship no dual loyalty

* Ruthless border enforcement and mass deportation until all government welfare is abolished. Door to door round ups, and all land mines in storage disbursed across the Mexican and Canadian borders.

* Abolish prison in favor of garnished restitution for property crimes, execution for murder, rape, child molestation, with judicial reform to address false convictions

* Refusal to pay restitution resolved with public whippings on pay per view

* End of lethal injection in favor of humane and cheap methods, electrocution, hanging, and firing squads 

* Merit based immigration with minimum IQ or monetary investment means testing, streamlined temporary work visas for agriculture harvest

* National permitless open and concealed carry of any weapon up to theater nukes. All military vehicles and equipment not in use auctioned with no minimum bid to the people within 1 year of removal of service, public beatings and deportation for any person who fails to maintain such items to the current military standard during the 1 year period.

* Abolish all fiat currency and usury. Capitalism thrives on investment and dies under usury schemes

* Public officials personally liable for enforcement of unconstitutional laws.

* Children are not citizens just for being born here, they must be born to other citizens to enjoy birthright citizenship

* National stand your ground and liability protection from lawsuits by those lawfully neutralized or their families

* Only net taxpayers or head of household votes. One vote per household. Nobody who receives more money than they pay in should vote, and no head of household and primary earner should have their vote undermined by the ones they support.

* Abolition of tax exemption for churches. It bars the spiritual component of society from the political sphere and creates unnatural grifts and cons in religion the market would never support

* Abolition if the interstate commerce clause and closing all federal agencies citing it’s authority for their existence.

* Free speech for private and public social media platforms, community standards are not the purview of business or government. The community can join or leave such platforms based on if they approve or disapprove

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