Libertarians and a Burning Rome

David Azerrad published a powerful piece in The American Conservative, titled “American Conservatism is Fiddling While Rome Burns”. The critique of modern Conservatism is fantastic. The critique of Libertarianism not so much, in the sense it critiques a “modal libertarianism” that Murray Rothbard, godfather of the LP, also critiqued with the same vigor. These people … More Libertarians and a Burning Rome

On Amash and Platforms

The ripples across the Libertarian pond after the announcement of Justin Amash’s party switch and presidential run are a good time to discuss the failings of the Libertarian Party in the political science department. By: Ryan Ramsey The “derp” levels in the LP following the announcement of our gaining the first Libertarian in Congress are … More On Amash and Platforms

The Daniel Hayes Dumpster Fire Award, and Challenging Useful Idiots

A recent flood of buffoonery brings a need to articulate the formula for success. An organization does not prosper being nice, and a culture of civility is a recipe for mediocracy. Allow me to explain some pretty recent history. The Adrian Wyllie camp ran the LPF 2012ish- late 2015. The leadership at the time was running … More The Daniel Hayes Dumpster Fire Award, and Challenging Useful Idiots

Response to Luke Henderson of “Being Libertarian”

It is one thing to be in error, but another to suppress clarification. Seeking to offer benefit of the doubt, I posted some clarifications in the comment section of THIS ARTICLE regarding the LNC Chair race. I had even shared it because I was quoted in it, and decided to give the author, Luke Henderson, … More Response to Luke Henderson of “Being Libertarian”

Toxic Matriarchy of the Sarwark Administration

A recent incident showcases the toxic Matriarchy fostered by Commissar Sarwark’s regime. There have been many allegations of impropriety thrown around during the chair race. Most directed at Joshua Smith by supporters of Commissar Nick Sarwark. Disrespecting women this, alleged inappropriate laughter at inappropriate comment that. Even the disgruntled ex card was pulled. The cadre … More Toxic Matriarchy of the Sarwark Administration

Chris Rose Secedes From His Own Affiliate

Notes Introduction: LPF Director At-Large Chris Rose has been complaining about his disagreements with the Chair for months. I repeatedly advised him to either organize his own activities, propose changes via the process outlined in their governing documents, or find someone to run against him at the next officer elections, even himself. A pattern developed … More Chris Rose Secedes From His Own Affiliate

Rules For Libertarians – Don’t Be Arvin Vohra

A response to the unrepentant LNC Vice Chair’s absurd video following his censure for promoting sex with children. The reason the Libertarian Party got 3% of the vote in the last Presidential Election, on Vice Chair Vohra’s watch, is indeed bad tactics and messaging. That is one of the only things he is right about. … More Rules For Libertarians – Don’t Be Arvin Vohra

Libertarian Party of Florida Delivers on Election Day

The new leadership of the LPF faced its first real test November 7, and silenced the critics by electing 2 candidates, as  special elections loom, and our slate of candidates for the general election in 2018 is already the largest since 2001, a full year before. Tuesday November, 7, 2017, three candidates were elected in … More Libertarian Party of Florida Delivers on Election Day

Understanding Leftist Subversion Techniques used to stifle the Libertarian Party

O’Sullivans Law, and the 8 step subversion process being applied by Marxist elements in the Libertarian Party O’Sullivan’s Law states that any organization or enterprise that is not expressly right wing will become left wing over time.  Murray Rothbard correctly identified right-wing populism as the path to victory for the Libertarian Party back in the 90’s and … More Understanding Leftist Subversion Techniques used to stifle the Libertarian Party