Uncivil Rights – Volume 6, Abortion

Infanticide is never libertarian. The foundation of liberty is respect for life. If you support this Communist eugenics plan, you are the enemy of freedom and supporter of murder. 93% of abortions are for convenience, most are funded by money extorted from taxpayers. 64% of women are pressured/forced into abortions. Abortion on demand is a … More Uncivil Rights – Volume 6, Abortion

Uncivil Rights, Volume 5 – SJW Terrorism According to Interpol

Aftermath of the Sterling Hall Bombing CBS News Published a pictorial of Interpol’s 35 Most Wanted. 5 are left-wing terrorists, and the rest of the list is also very eye opening. There are zero right-wing terrorists on the list. As easy as it is to laugh at the November 4 ANTIFA threat, the left wing … More Uncivil Rights, Volume 5 – SJW Terrorism According to Interpol

The Little Richard Circus Show Comes to UF

Spencer’s quest to rid his bathhouse of blacks finds unwitting allies among guilty white rich kids and SJW’s of all stripes at the University of Florida   June 20, 2017 “Bathhouse Nationalist and Jewish Nazi Richard Spencer to Speak at UF” Ok, that was not the headline, but we all know the media is controlled by … More The Little Richard Circus Show Comes to UF

Official American Guard Statement On The Removal of Augustus Invictus

9-21-2017 For Immediate Release: The American Guard Revokes The Membership Of Augustus Invictus Due to the fact Mr. Invictus is a public figure, and has appeared in recruitment videos and other media on behalf of the organization, we are making it known he is no longer is a member. His words and actions no longer … More Official American Guard Statement On The Removal of Augustus Invictus

CLUSTERFUCK EXTRAVAGANZA: Unite the Right Was Embarrassing for Everyone

The last month has dealt me a life changing tragic blow to my family, followed by a motorcycle wreck, and Hurricane Irma. I am catching up on the events of the last few weeks. I read this article about the successful operation in Charlottesville to tarnish the legitimate right wing populist movement, it is well … More CLUSTERFUCK EXTRAVAGANZA: Unite the Right Was Embarrassing for Everyone

A Heartfelt Thank You To My Libertarian Brothers and Sisters

Do not let the SJW hate campaign distract you from our amazing progress, and a heartfelt thank you to all who see the truth For the last couple years, many of my friends and family have asked me why I continue my work for liberty in the face of constant insult, threats of violence, and … More A Heartfelt Thank You To My Libertarian Brothers and Sisters

Global Dissident Voices – Outlaw Tattooing, Skateboard Rally, and Cuba LP Update

Global Dissident Voices 6-29-17 Clay Montgomery, AnCap businessman and tattooist, of Atomic Tattoos. He just returned from Havana where he judged a tattoo contest in a country that outlaws tattooing. He also met with LP Cuban leadership about the situation on the island and how we can help. Donate: http://paypal.me/InstitutoMisesCuba LP Cuba Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PartidoLibertarioCubano/?hc_ref=SEARCH http://www.atomictattoos.com/More Global Dissident Voices – Outlaw Tattooing, Skateboard Rally, and Cuba LP Update

Cuban Libertarians Harassed – Before Being Kidnapped and Beaten By Regime

Secret Police Are Dispatched As Libertarian Party of Cuba Members Hunger Strike To Pressure The Castro Regime To Release Their Brothers From The Communist Gulag   Live video of plainclothes secret police in Cuba at the headquarters of the Libertarian party of Cuba intimidating members, some of whom were on a huger strike. Soon afterwards, … More Cuban Libertarians Harassed – Before Being Kidnapped and Beaten By Regime

A Woman Under Sharia: 8 Reasons Why Islamic Law Endangers Women

An essential, scholarly comparison of the rights of women under Sharia and in the West. BY Immanuel Al-Manteeqi · @Al_Manteeqi | September 6, 2016 https://counterjihad.com/women Women in the West are viewed as being equal to men from both an ontological and juridical perspective. Now, that is not to say that women have never been unjustly discriminated … More A Woman Under Sharia: 8 Reasons Why Islamic Law Endangers Women

Lovecraft on Gen. Lee

“Lines on Gen. Robert Edward Lee” by H.P. Lovecraft – May 18, 1916 “Si veris magna paratur Fama bonis, et si successu nuda remoto Inspicitur virtus, quicquid laudamus in ullo Majorum, fortuna fuit.” —Lucan. Whilst martial echoes o’er the wave resound, And Europe’s gore incarnadines the ground; Today no foreign hero we bemoan, But count … More Lovecraft on Gen. Lee

Libertarian Party Chairman Insults Women and Victims of Jim Crow

Dear Commissar Sarwark, Libertarians do not face state enforced segregation. Being kept out of a debate is not in the same universe as being denied the right to vote. From Liberty Hangout: By: Trevor Fye In a recent interview with Salon, Nicholas Sarwark, the Chairman of the National Libertarian Party, compared the party’s treatment to … More Libertarian Party Chairman Insults Women and Victims of Jim Crow

NATA-NY Interviews Stomp Out Child Abuse (S.O.C.A.) Founder

March 9, 2015, https://attackthesystem.com by Craig FitzGerald • Activism, Culture Wars/Current Controversies, Education, Law/Justice, Sexuality and the State Please introduce yourself and describe your organization, Stomp Out Child Abuse(SOCA). I’m Dennis, co-founder of S.O.C.A. (Stomp Out Child Abuse). We are a direct action organization whose purpose is to raise awareness against child abuse & molestation. … More NATA-NY Interviews Stomp Out Child Abuse (S.O.C.A.) Founder

Libertarianism – The Annoying Teenager Phase, This Too Shall Pass

Yes, This is Annoying. Don’t Worry, This is Normal And We Will Get Through This. Libertarians are looking around these days thinking – WTF? You have a group of them running around yelling “Fascist” and “Nazi” like they have SJW-Tourett’s. The Vice-Chair is calling veterans murderers. The Chair is spending his time lying in the … More Libertarianism – The Annoying Teenager Phase, This Too Shall Pass

Orlando Libertarian Party Defends Local Monument

A statement was released today by the Libertarian Party of Orange County, Florida. It was titled, “Keep the Confederate Statue at Lake Eola”, and authored by the Vice Chairman, Pedro Luis Giliga. Several news sources have reported on an effort, led by a small group of Orlando residents, to request the removal of the 100-year … More Orlando Libertarian Party Defends Local Monument

White South Africans Are Preparing For “Removal of All Whites Within Five Years”

From Tyler Durden at  Zero Hedge: Back in March, the President of South Africa made a shocking suggestion, which left many white landowners fearing that they may face a race war in the near future. In a speech, Jacob Zuma announced that he wanted the government to begin confiscating white owned lands, before redistributing them … More White South Africans Are Preparing For “Removal of All Whites Within Five Years”

Uncivil Rights, Vol 3 – The Cost of A Red South Africa

Answering Apartheid With Communism And Genocide In South Africa, there are now official calls for the seizure of white farms. Epidemic assault, arson, and murder against white farmers, are now encouraged by the party Mandela founded, the ANC. While many of us wish that Donald Trump did not know where Aleppo is at this point, … More Uncivil Rights, Vol 3 – The Cost of A Red South Africa

Is Communism Dead?

The Libertarian Party is the right’s natural ally, and the only party opposing Marxist victory in the US. By: Ryan Ramsey Communism is not a relic of the Cold War. Communism has made a very successful “long march through the institutions“, and at this point in history we have crossed the tipping point, where more … More Is Communism Dead?