Prohibition, What Drugs Can Teach Us About Guns

Violence and substance abuse are cultural issues and mental health issues that are only made worse by state efforts to solve them using prohibition laws. I wanted to wait a little longer to publish this, out of respect for the victims of the recent mass shooting in my home state of Florida. Unfortunately, the leftists … More Prohibition, What Drugs Can Teach Us About Guns

Global Dissident Voices – Counter Demonstrating Against Moms Demand Action

Bloomberg Mobilizes Gun Grabbers In Orange, We Opposed Them   Former NY Mayor Bloomberg’s group set up shop at the Friendship Fountain in Jacksonville, Fl. Members of the Duval, Bradford, and Alachua County Libertarian Party of Florida Affiliates joined with members of Jacksonville Open Carry, The Florida Liberty Project, The American Guard, Florida Carry, and … More Global Dissident Voices – Counter Demonstrating Against Moms Demand Action

Meet Paul Frankel, Editor in Chief at IPR, ANTIFA Terrorist, Convicted Forger, Former LNC Rep, and His Freak Show Seeking to Disaffiliate the LPF

Paul Frankel, AKA Pauli Cannoli on Facebook, made a name for himself writing puff pieces for Paul Stanton last year at the Republican Party consultant owned internet site, Independent Political Report. He has resurfaced spreading false allegations about former US Senate candidate Augustus Invictus. I have written about the saga in the last few weeks.(1) … More Meet Paul Frankel, Editor in Chief at IPR, ANTIFA Terrorist, Convicted Forger, Former LNC Rep, and His Freak Show Seeking to Disaffiliate the LPF

LPF Under Attack by Adrian Wyllie, Paul Stanton, and ANTIFA

April 7, 2017 So all of you who thought we were crazy for saying Wyllie was still pulling strings and Stanton was his puppet, it is OK, we accept your apology. Yet another article came out today, part of a hate orgy by Adrian Wyllie, “Commie Paul” Stanton, and ANTIFA in the days following an … More LPF Under Attack by Adrian Wyllie, Paul Stanton, and ANTIFA

To The Gulag Libertarian!

    March 6, 2017 After I published a scathing critique of Nick Sarwark’s support for the ANTIFA rioters in Berkley, Augustus Invictus also condemned him. The neo-marxists infesting the party responded with the typical Frankfurt School playbook. The dismissals were full of buzzwords like conspiracy theory and flippant dismissals of the facts presented. In … More To The Gulag Libertarian!